Level 3 Forest School Leader

Level 3 Certificate - Forest School Leader 

Prepares learners to learn practical skills and knowledge to work as a Forest School Leader


There are 5 units to the qualification (total 18 credits):

  1. Delivery
  2. Learning and development
  3. Planning and Preparation
  4. Practical Skills
  5. The Woodland Environment

As a learner, you are required to:

1) Attend 5 days intensive training

  • Spring course dates: 17th - 21st March 2025 delivered at Turton Tower, Bolton

Your training starts with five days on site - this consists of a combination of theory and practical learning.

2) Attend 5 days practical skills and assessment

  • Spring course dates: 19th - 23rd May 2025 delivered at Turton Tower, Bolton

Here you will be assessed on your practical skills such as fire building/cooking and use of tools/knots

3) Plan and deliver 6 week ‘Introduction to Forest School’ course

An ‘Introduction to Forest School Programme’ needs to have a minimum of 6 consecutive sessions with a minimum duration of 2 hours.

To deliver a 6 week ‘Introduction to Forest School’ course, you will need:

  • Access to a group of children/adults to run your 6 Forest School sessions with
  • Access to an appropriate site and permission to run a Forest School programme
  • A Outdoor First Aid training certificate
  • A DBS Certificate

4) Complete a written portfolio

Your portfolio is a collection of evidence demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of all 5 units covered in the course.

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 19 years old to access the qualification. However to work as a Forest School Leaders you must be 21 or over.

Total qualification time

180 hours

Majority of  learners complete the qualification within 10 - 12 months

The total qualification time is the amount of time expected to take, on average, to complete the qualification.  This includes:

  • guided learning
  • assessment days
  • planning, preparation and delivery of the 6 Forest School sessions
  • self study
  • completion of portfolio

Cost and payment options

Price: £995+VAT

a non-refundable deposit of 25% is required on booking

Full payment payable 30 days before course starts

How to book

If you would like to book a place or if you would like to discuss further with our trainer, please complete the form below or email training@communitree.co.uk

Contact Us

Learning outcomes


  • Be able to facilitate an‘Introduction to Forest School Programme’ according to the Forest School ethos and principles
  • Be able to assess the impact of the ‘Introduction to Forest School Programme’ on participants.
  • Be able to evaluate an‘Introduction to Forest School Programme’

Learning and Development

  • Understand the Forest School Principles and holistic approach to learning and development in relation to an ‘Introduction to Forest School Programme’
  • Understand the value of the play process at Forest School
  • Understand relevant theories of learning and development and their application to Forest School
  • Understand the impact of behaviour on learning and development at Forest School
  • Know how to reflect on own Forest School training

Planning and Preparation

  • Understand the development of Forest School
  • Be able to manage the ecological impact of a Forest School programme
  • Be able to develop the underpinning documents required for a Forest School programme
  • Be able to plan a Forest School programme in line with the Forest School ethos and principles

Practical Skills

  • Be able to apply a range of practical skills relevant to a Forest School programme
  • Know how to facilitate a range of practical skills relevant to a Forest School programme in line with the Forest School ethos and principles

The Woodland Environment

  • Understand the structure of woodlands
  • Know how to identify a range of flora and fauna and understand the importance of identification
  • Understand the management of woodlands as a sustainable learning environment
  • Understand the importance of the relationship between Forest School and the woodland environment

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